These are older courses we’ve developed that were made with Logic Pro 10.4 and earlier.
While some content will still be relevant, you may find that the user interface of Logic and some plugins are outdated in these videos.
Logic Pro X 201 Course (10.4)
This course was developed for use with Logic Pro 10.4 or higher (Logic Pro 10.4 recommended).
Includes 21 tutorial videos + bonus Melodyne scratch vocal tuning video.
Includes "Losing Ground” multitrack Logic Project to work along with the course!
Released 12/22/2018
Course Outline
Introduction, Software Instruments, Layering Instruments
Piano Roll Editor & Step Input
Chords & Scales in Piano Roll
Quantization & Rhythm in Piano Roll
Recording a Scratch Vocal (+Bonus Video: Tuning a Scratch Vocal with Melodyne)
Synthesis - ES2 Oscillators & Filters
Synthesis - ES2 Modulation, Routers, LFOs, ADSRs & Vector Envelope
Ultrabeat Drum Sampling & Sequencing
Sampling & Beat Building with Drum Machine Designer
Arrangement Building (PART 1)
Arrangement Building (PART 2)
Arrangement Building (PART 3)
Microphone Techniques for Vocals
Recording Vocals, Take Folders, Quick Punch-In
Comping Vocals, Quick Swipe Comping
Vocal Tuning with Flex Pitch
Create Vocal Harmonies with Flex Pitch
Mixing the Vocals, Vocal Timing Fixes
Mixing and Sound Design on the Instrumental
Finalizing the Mix
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Logic Pro X 101 Course (10.3)
This course was developed for use with Logic Pro 10.3 or higher (Logic Pro 10.3 or 10.4 recommended).
Includes 12 tutorial videos.
Includes "Three Years” multitrack Logic Project to practice mixing!
Released 10/17/2017
Course Outline
Getting Started in Logic 10.3
Recording with a Microphone, I/O Buffer, Bit Depth, Sample Rate
Record DI Guitar, Quick Swipe Comping, Take Folders
Audio Edit Tools, Snap Modes & Edit Functions
Working with MIDI, More Arrangement Building
Flex Time
Vocal Comping & Tuning with Flex Pitch
Mixing the Drums
Mixing Rhythm Guitars & Bass
Mixing Lead Guitars, Wah Pedal Automation
Mixing Vocals
Finalizing the Mix & Mastering
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Download links are typically generated immediately, but if you do not receive a download link within 15 minutes of your purchase, please use the “Help & Support” link above to contact us.
Logic Pro X Pop/EDM Production Course (10.2)
This course was developed for use with Logic Pro 10.2 or higher (Logic Pro 10.2 or 10.3 recommended).
Includes 22 tutorial videos.
Includes "Fearless” multitrack Logic Project to practice mixing!
Released 2/12/2017
Course Outline
Filtered Kick, Intro Synths, Filter Sweep w/Region Automation
EQ, Compression & Reverb on Intro Vocals
Delay Feedback Transition
Reverse Piano & Cymbal Swells
Filtered Vocal Echo, Finishing the Intro
Sidechain Compression Ducking Effect, Sound Design in Verses
De-Breathing & Flex Time Correction on Verse Vocals
Aligning Vocals with Flex Time
Vocal Tuning with Flex Pitch
Vocal Harmonies with Flex Pitch
Vocal Edits & Pitch Correction Plugin on Verses
Mixing Verse Vocals
Transition Effects & Build Up Pitch Riser
Adding Synth Riser to Pitch Riser Aux Track
More Flex Time & Flex Pitch on Vocals
More Vocal Harmonies with Flex Pitch & Vocal Transformer
Finishing Vocal Edits (EVEN MORE Flex Pitch!)
Finalizing Synth & Drum Production
Finalizing Vocals
Finishing & Bouncing the Mix
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Download links are typically generated immediately, but if you do not receive a download link within 15 minutes of your purchase, please use the “Help & Support” link above to contact us.
Logic Pro X Pop/Rock Mixing Course (10.1)
This course was developed for use with Logic Pro 10.1 or higher (Logic Pro 10.1, 10.2 or 10.3 recommended).
Includes 22 tutorial videos.
Includes "Magic” multitrack Logic Project to practice mixing!
Released 9/24/2016
Course Outline
Volume, Setting Levels, dB-FS, Pan Law & Groups
Fixing Phase Issues in the Drums
Understand EQ, Channel EQ on Drums
Compressor and Noise Gate on Drums
Enveloper and Compressor on Drums
Drum Replacement/Doubling
Guitar and Bass: EQ, Compressor, Exciter, Direction Mixer
Clean Guitar and Keys, EQ, Enveloper, Direction Mixer
Synths, Guitar Solo, Stereo Spread, Space Designer, Tremolo
Creating Vocal Harmonies with Flex Pitch
MORE Vocal Harmonies with Flex Pitch
EQ and Compression on Vocals
Adding Reverb, Space Designer, Sends, Buses, Aux Tracks
Ensemble Plugin for Thickening Vocals
Stereo Delay Plugin on Vocals & Guitar Solo
Bus Processing, Creating Submixes/Submasters
Pitch Correction Plugin for Tuning Vocals
Automation for Volume, Aux Tracks and Plugins
Creating Transitions
Cut Up Vocal Intro w/Pitch Correction & Vocal Transformer
Final Mix Tweaks Before Mastering
Mastering in Logic
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Download links are typically generated immediately, but if you do not receive a download link within 15 minutes of your purchase, please use the “Help & Support” link above to contact us.